Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Echoes of Ralph

Almost all the Christmas goodies are done. Just a few things left to whip out before the big day tomorrow. I'm walking a sort of tightrope here, in terms of flavor, freshness and shelf life. The cheese spreads improve with a couple of days of "ripening" and the spiced nuts will hold just fine but the lemon curd needs to be fresh. That sort of thing.

So I'm sitting here with my morning mug of sacred brew and it occurs to me I haven't yet played my favorite Christmas video. The one that's a cartoon of Santa and the reindeer singing "I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas." So I fired up Google and tapped in "Christmas video" and got the usual plethora of choices. As I started skimming down the list of links, the fourth one from the top caught my eye. The Jingle Cats singing "White Christmas." Hmmm. Wonder what that's all about.

Didn't take me long to realize Ralph must have pointed me to this one. Really. I mean, I got a sort of mind meld thought projection of the kind Ralph was fond of implanting. Usually his telepathic messages had to do with food but this time, very clearly, I got "heavenly choir." And I'm chuckling, thinking, "Yeah, Ralph. I guess you'd think this feline chorus sounds heavenly." And just about then, lo! An angel cat appeared onscreen, complete with wings and halo.

It's a fun video with some cute cats and there's even a cameo appearance by a big dog. Something for everyone, I reckon. And I even noticed, over in the sidebar, is a link to the very video I started out to find. Ralph is nothing if not considerate.

So here it is, Coffee Mates ... a Christmas video for your viewing pleasure, from me and Ralph. With that, please feel utterly surrounded and blissed out with hearty "Ho, ho ho's" and wishes for a wonderful holiday season.

The Jingle Cats - White Christmas - Funny videos are here


Wendy said...

Merry Christmas, Dee, from me and from the fur set: Wesley, Pippin, Thumper, Lacey, Jack, Dennis, Laddie, Charlie and Chloe.

The Old Guy said...

My gosh. How did they ever get all those cats to sing in time, let alone in English? I'll have to start now, getting Dusky ready for next year's video. "Me? How?"

All the best to you and your heavenly host of CBG afficionados!

John Bailey said...

Tee hee, and snigger with it. Happy Christmas, Dee, and thanks for all the smiles. With hugs from him and me, and from a happy Mega-Cat, settling nicely.

Stephanie said...

Meowry Christmas!

bonnie said...

Turn about is fair play Dee. Now you trot over to my page and check my selection today. lol

Merry Christmas!

Dee said...

Wow, Wendy! I knew you had multiple furkids but didn't realize just *how* multiple. Feeding time at your house must be an Event!

Bill, you *will* let us know when Dusky unveils the singing debut?

John, thank you for the hugs. I'm always up for hugs.

Stephanie, you crack me up. (grin)

Bonnie, loved your video choice. Between us, we have the cats and dogs covered. Now we need somebody to feature bunny rabbits or something.

kate et jim said...

Merry Christmas, Dee.

Maggie said...

Hope you have a happy and delicious Christmas.

Bid farewell to Brodie cat last night - he's gone home to enjoy his garden again, but suspect he'll miss the 4am pamperings he got here! ;-)

Will have to go visit him soon or he'll forget me. Oh yes, it'll be quite nice to see younger daughter too and SiL and the new extension on their house.

Merry Christmas from Liverpool

~ Sil in Corea said...

Merry Christmas to you...from Boxing Day in Corea. If you can imagine that pile of cheese covered with sparkling lights and hung in small bare trees, that's what the park at the end of my street looks like tonight. Weirdly pretty! It's a different aesthetic flavor, for sure!!!

Amazing chorus of cats there! Cats *do* make a lot of different sounds. The producer obviously has tons of tapes and more free time than is probably good for his financial health. GiGGle!!

Hugs from twinkling Korea,
~ Sil

Maggie said...

Thank you thank bet I am smiling and singing along. Hope you had a lovely day.

nella said...

That was cute Dee!! Mike told me about Ralph and you have my sympathy. I know how hard it is to lose one of your furbabies. Hugs to you.

Miss you bunches.
~ Nell