Saturday, December 26, 2009

Meet Marvin

Please meet Marvin the Musical Moose.  He has been such a good little buddy the last few years. Here he sits on the window sill, guarding the Christmas card crop and looking adorable. You may also notice he is sporting a bright red tree ornament, dangling from his antler.

Yep. The very same red tree ornament I got from daughter Patti when I was hellbent on putting up a Charlie Brown Christmas tree. The way I had it figured was, I'd trot around outside, scouting through all the trees, looking for just the right blowdown branch to emulate a pathetic little tree. Given that there has been plenty of boisterous wind over the last month or two, I thought there would be a reasonable assortment of branches from which to choose. Well, there was. The problem was, there was not a single branch that came even close to being The One.

I could have grabbed the hatchet and chopped off a suitable limb from a suitable tree but that seemed, somehow, uhmmm -- unsuitable. And mean. Mutilating a perfectly good tree to score a single branch is just not descriptive of the spirit of the season. What to do? What to do?

Then I thought about Marvin. Hey! There ya go! Marvin is a good sport and I knew he'd be delighted to dandle the dangly for me. It adds a bit of color while he sings his Christmas song, don'cha know?

What song? Oh. Well, Marvin takes great delight in telling folks how Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer. I can tell he's having fun because he wiggles and jiggles while he's singing. I don't want you to think he's being a tattle tale, either. Actually, he's providing an early warning system, sort of. Kind of. The song clearly illustrates what happens when a team of reindeer have to travel so many places so very fast that they don't have time to brake for liddle ol' leddies who step out in front of them. Especially liddle ol' leddies who have been nipping at the brandy that was supposed to go in their fruitcake.

But I guess we don't have to worry about that now. The reindeer are all back at the North Pole and Grannie is recovering nicely. I think she'll probably be in fine shape by the time New Year's Eve gets here.



kate et jim said...

Well now, Marvin certainly holds the Christmas ball properly. It's perfect, Dee.

No...chopping branches off a perfectly good tree, wouldn't be right, now would it. (Although, visualizing the hacking and chopping was quite a treat in itself)! lol.

Hope you had a wonderful day, Dee. Ours was delightful, with the neighbors stopping by and watching movies, etc. Young lads opening pressies. And again today.

Horrible ice and rain. Driving was/is treacherous (I love spell check! lol)

Merry Christmas!

Dee said...

Fortunately, our weather cleared for the 24th and 25th and looks to be fairly okay for the rest of the year. We have grandkids trekking about hither and yon for a few days yet so I'm maintaining a heavy mojo stream for safe travel. Glad to hear your Christmas has been merry, Kate!

John Bailey said...

Here's lookin' at you, kid! :-)

Wendy said...

Please give Marvin a kiss from me before you put him up for the year. He's a good 'un.

The Old Guy said...

How appropriate! A chocolate mousse!

Dee said...

John, you do Bogie SO well!

Wendy, Marvin will appreciate the extra smoochie. Thanks!

Bill, you are unquestionably the pun meister around here. You have also set off my choccy jones and I don't even have a moussekateer bar handy.

Bonnie said...

That is so funny, not a blown branch worth the fuss and bother. :-D Glad you had Marvin anyway.

Kate said...

Marvin is just adorable! I think we should have joint custody, and he could spend every other Christmas at my house. That's fair, isn't it?

Dee said...

Isn't that strange, Bonnie? Given all the available branches, you'd have thought there would be *something.*

Left Coast Kate, I'll tell you what. I'll happily share custody of Marvin if you could find a way to pick him up in person. (grin)

Stephanie said...

Marvin is a cutie pie! Happy Holidays to you, too!