Oh. Hi. Heh, heh. I was just reading over Snoopy's shoulder and I'm thinking it's too bad he is enjoying such nice weather on top of his dog house. I mean, it would be much easier to describe a dark and stormy night if he were here and actually experiencing the beast.
I'm telling you, our weather lately has developed some serious personality problems. It doesn't seem very sure of its own self-image. In the early morning it comes on foggy, then clears up and beams sunshine smiles everywhere. Then it says, "No, wait. I'm not in a sunshine mood. I need to express my inner angst." So it gathers sullen clouds about it and sulks for a few hours.
It fiddles with the temperature, unable to determine the proper comfort zone. A few hail showers. No. A few rain showers. Uhmm... back to hail. Some thunder and lightning for special effects. Okay. It's getting dark. Bring on the wind! More rain!
Oh yeah. So I'm sitting here listening to the wind perform a long-running oratory outside (and better outside than in, to be sure) with rain providing the musical score, slapping percussive riffs against the window panes. The wind whistles and moans. It howls and yowls. It sighs and pauses for dramatic effect, then roars back in a rush, rattling loose boards and whipping tree branches in a wild dance.
I'll bet that's what was going on when this infamous paragraph was penned:
"It was a dark and stormy night; the rain fell in torrents--except at occasional intervals, when it was checked by a violent gust of wind which swept up the streets (for it is in London that our scene lies), rattling along the housetops, and fiercely agitating the scanty flame of the lamps that struggled against the darkness." --Edward George Bulwer-Lytton Paul Clifford (1830)
I wonder what Bulwer-Lytton would think about the annual Fiction Contest in his honor. It would be hard to work up a real chuckle when you see folks loving your work because they can make fun of it. Darn.
If it's any consolation, Edward George, Snoopy has long been a fan of yours. And on a dark and stormy night, so am I.
It fiddles with the temperature, unable to determine the proper comfort zone. A few hail showers. No. A few rain showers. Uhmm... back to hail. Some thunder and lightning for special effects. Okay. It's getting dark. Bring on the wind! More rain!
Oh yeah. So I'm sitting here listening to the wind perform a long-running oratory outside (and better outside than in, to be sure) with rain providing the musical score, slapping percussive riffs against the window panes. The wind whistles and moans. It howls and yowls. It sighs and pauses for dramatic effect, then roars back in a rush, rattling loose boards and whipping tree branches in a wild dance.
I'll bet that's what was going on when this infamous paragraph was penned:
"It was a dark and stormy night; the rain fell in torrents--except at occasional intervals, when it was checked by a violent gust of wind which swept up the streets (for it is in London that our scene lies), rattling along the housetops, and fiercely agitating the scanty flame of the lamps that struggled against the darkness." --Edward George Bulwer-Lytton Paul Clifford (1830)
I wonder what Bulwer-Lytton would think about the annual Fiction Contest in his honor. It would be hard to work up a real chuckle when you see folks loving your work because they can make fun of it. Darn.
If it's any consolation, Edward George, Snoopy has long been a fan of yours. And on a dark and stormy night, so am I.
Snoopy, and you, Dee. And me. Let the pedanticotes flutter... ;-)
John B.
And only a writer could describe the weather. :-)
Very descriptive, Dee. I like it. We're having April in January up on this side of the 39th. 12C right now and the normal high is -2. I gather the weather is straneg all over North America.
Is it that time again? Are you entering? How is your camera?
Sincerely Mz.......
Pendicotes. I like that, John. (smile)
Want me to describe it some more, Bonnie? There's sure a lot of it out there. Heh, heh ...
Right, Gordo. It always amazes me. Some of us are messin' with the rain and wind, some with snow, and my poor ol' Aussie friends are enduring a heat wave. Sheesh.
No, I don't think the contest is on yet, Mage. I didn't check the dates. The camera? [sigh] When I checked the tracking page at Canon, it informed me Lazarus has still not been shipped out. It's the first thing I check in the morning and the last thing I check at night, hoping I see a new, happier, message. One of these times ...
It's been "Ho Boy!" down here too. Glad to hear you didn't get blown away, or floated out to sea!
Thanks for checking in, Kate! I worry about my Californy friends in this kind of weather. And it looks like it ain't through with us yet. [sigh]
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