Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Trickin' and Treatin'

Here's a little bit of Halloween fun for you, Coffee Mates. Punch lines are at the top and the forward, back and pause controls are on the little pumpkins at the bottom. The spooky sounds are NOT your computer dying.
The pictures are some that have been floating around for ages and seem to no longer come with attribution. I just want to thank whoever (whomever?) created them and then turned them loose for the rest of us.
Happy Halloween!
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Wendy, NC said...

I love those Goldens. Every year, I look forward to seeing them. Thanks, Dee!

John Bailey said...

Hadn't seen the crashed witch before. It's alright. I've mopped up the coffee from my keyboard now... ;-)

bonnie said...

I have always liked that witch and wish I could do that out front. But since we don't do the candy bit we don't decorate.

Dee said...

Some of those photos ARE becoming classics, aren't they? I didn't realize that until you mentioned looking for them, Wendy. And I almost didn't use the witch because she's become so cliche. Glad I did, for John and Bonnie. [evil cackle]

Kate said...

Hope it was spooky and scary for you too. Mine was rather anti-climatic: I got to stay & pass out the candy while the grandkids went trick-or-treating with their parents in tow. They both stopped when their bags got full, & they don't have very big bags. Halloween just ain't what it used to be!