The focus of Valentine's Day is on romantic love but it's good to remember that Love (capital L) is a much broader state of being than that.
There is, of course, Family Love, between parent and child and sibling -- and right on down the line to the most distant shirt-tail relation. You can love your inlaws and you can love your outlaws. Or not.
Sometimes you love Family of the Heart as well as (or instead of) Family of the Flesh. Members of Heart families are chosen and that makes them special in a different way from blood relatives. Not better, but different.
There is love for our critter friends, too, whether they be furred or feathered or scaled or shelled.
There is the love expressed when one is doing something that gives great pleasure. Singing, dancing, writing, painting, gardening, mountain climbing, sailing, cooking ... and the expression of that love affects others in many different ways. How many souls, for example, have survived a long dark night because inspiring music sustained them? When you have cried with grief or despair, how often have you been lifted and strengthened by someone who could make you laugh?
By whatever name you hold to be true, there is the love one has for the perceived Source of All That Is. Within the umbrella of that love is the love that shines light on everything worth loving.
Even my coffee and my chocolate and, without a doubt, my Coffee Mates. You people ARE special. Today -- and every day -- I wish you Love and all the wonderful benefits that go with it. Thanks for being part of my life.
There is, of course, Family Love, between parent and child and sibling -- and right on down the line to the most distant shirt-tail relation. You can love your inlaws and you can love your outlaws. Or not.
Sometimes you love Family of the Heart as well as (or instead of) Family of the Flesh. Members of Heart families are chosen and that makes them special in a different way from blood relatives. Not better, but different.
There is love for our critter friends, too, whether they be furred or feathered or scaled or shelled.
There is the love expressed when one is doing something that gives great pleasure. Singing, dancing, writing, painting, gardening, mountain climbing, sailing, cooking ... and the expression of that love affects others in many different ways. How many souls, for example, have survived a long dark night because inspiring music sustained them? When you have cried with grief or despair, how often have you been lifted and strengthened by someone who could make you laugh?
By whatever name you hold to be true, there is the love one has for the perceived Source of All That Is. Within the umbrella of that love is the love that shines light on everything worth loving.
Even my coffee and my chocolate and, without a doubt, my Coffee Mates. You people ARE special. Today -- and every day -- I wish you Love and all the wonderful benefits that go with it. Thanks for being part of my life.
Awww...shucks, we're just being who we are: people who love people who bring a sense of humor and wonder to everyday stuff, like you, Dee. (sniff) You add value to the internet every time you write. Your accounts over the years of everything from geese that nest in trees to unidentified plants and people you've met and football pools you've lost and won have been like little candles for us... little points of light and warmth that are all the better because they're written with love. (dab)(blow) And all the better for all the pictures you've posted. (wipe)
Keep on lighting, enlightening and writing! We love you here in Ohio and that's the truth.
Hugs back to you, Dee. Lots of them.
Thank You for being part of my life! Give Ralph and Mei Tu a snuggle for me. :-)
Thanks for your visit, and thanks for your flattering words!
I did actually re-size some of the more recent photos, but you can always get to bigger versions by clicking on the picture, which takes you to Flickr. Then choose " See different sizes" under Additional Information (to the right of the photo), and choose the size you want to view.
I really recommend Flickr - it's great fun, but can become addictive! But on days when I'm not well enough to do anything other than stay in bed and surf the web its great to have access to so many great images to enjoy.
I like the bigger space across too - but will need to wrestle with the fine-tuning the side bar as I want to do a heading My Rants about ME/CFS or something like that so I can link to them for folks who have come looking for those.
Hugs to you, and nice tickles behind the ears to the furry feline friends.
And you are in included in the friends I love. Hope you had a great Valentine's Day.
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