This is going to be a brief post because, frankly, I'm just full and sleepy. Big time. Today was my impromptu wake, if you will remember, and we most certainly did have a good time. Plenty of venison and biscuits and gravy, with appropriate adult beverages on the side and, most important, plenty of good conversation.
I just minced up my share of the left-over venison in my little food chopper and combined it with some onion and homemade mayo and made myself a most excellent sandwich with some freshly baked Anadama bread. (That's bread with cornmeal in it -- but I used cornmeal mush instead of the raw meal. Nom, nom, nom!)
So ... I am comfortably full, extremely sleepy and well-waked. Therefore, I do believe it's time to curl up in bed with a good book and see how far I get before my eyelids thud shut. I leave all of you in charge of the coffee pot. That's how much I trust you.
Sh-h-h-h-h everybody: please whisper your comments. Sleeping Beauty has done her duty, and probably feels like she's died and gone to heaven about now. But as always, she's left an interesting and evocative picture in her wake.
Clever old guy. :-)
The rain drops look like snow in the picture.
Dee, may you enjoy many, many more before they ever throw one without you.
Thank you, Bill. I slept very well indeed.
You're right, Bonnie. That's why I wished I'd caught the shot in sunshine, for more sparkle. In fact, it was raining lightly at that particular moment and there was actually snow coming down with the rain -- but neither showed up in the picture.
Wendy, thank you, good buddy. I'm thinking throwing more wakes is a good idea -- just to celebrate life, by golly.
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