Other than a presidential election, can there possibly be very many activities that will make you certain the inmates are truly running the joint? Even given the ever-widening gap between ethical politics (oxymoron alert) and Politics As Practiced, the utterly ludicrous course this campaign has taken since Sarah Palin was selected as John McCain’s running mate is surely a sign that Hell has frozen over like a wooly mammoth in a glacier. (Not to worry – with global warming, the glacier will be releasing Hell sooner or later.)
What were they thinking? Did McCain and Company cynically believe such a photogenic, personable female (yes, the camera does indeed love her) would (a) automatically pull in the female vote because Palin is a female and (b) automatically pull in the male vote because Palin is a “hottie” female? If that’s where they were coming from, they’d better get a new tour guide because this road is getting rocky real fast. I sincerely hope most people – female and male – are smarter than that.
Those of you who have kindly shared with me a mug or two of the sacred brew over the past few years – you know I rarely get political on this blog. I’m usually very wary of pressing my opinions on others. If we agree, I’d be preaching to the choir. If we disagree, we probably aren’t going to change each other’s minds and we run the risk of straining perfectly good friendships. Besides, let’s face it – this is not a blog that is read by vast numbers of people, no matter what their persuasion.
Still, sometimes I feel something is so terribly, vitally, utterly important that I just HAVE to stand up and be counted. This is one of those times so please bear with me, Coffee Mates. For the last two-plus weeks, I’ve been digging everywhere I can to find out who Sarah Palin really is and what qualifies her to be our vice president, if not (shudder) our president. At best, the news is not good. At worst, it’s terrifying. At least, that’s the way it looks to my mind.
But you make up your own minds. If it’s of any use to you, I highly recommend this most absolutely kickin' Alaskan web site, Mudflats. This woman writes with intelligence, humor and, I believe, fairness. If you scroll back through the entries since Palin hit the headlines, I think you’ll see what I mean. Be sure to read the (mostly) thoughtful comments following each of her posts. You certainly won’t be bored. Another site that may be helpful is the very new Women Against Sarah Palin site. Letter after letter from people who are angry, horrified and/or insulted by what is perceived as a cynical, self-serving and dangerous choice. (The above Sandra Day O'Connor photo and quote were "borrowed" from that site. Thanks, folks.)
Your mileage may vary. That’s as it should be. Different strokes for different folks. I just hope the majority of us choose the strokes that will, in the long run, be healing and productive for ALL of us.
What were they thinking? Did McCain and Company cynically believe such a photogenic, personable female (yes, the camera does indeed love her) would (a) automatically pull in the female vote because Palin is a female and (b) automatically pull in the male vote because Palin is a “hottie” female? If that’s where they were coming from, they’d better get a new tour guide because this road is getting rocky real fast. I sincerely hope most people – female and male – are smarter than that.
Those of you who have kindly shared with me a mug or two of the sacred brew over the past few years – you know I rarely get political on this blog. I’m usually very wary of pressing my opinions on others. If we agree, I’d be preaching to the choir. If we disagree, we probably aren’t going to change each other’s minds and we run the risk of straining perfectly good friendships. Besides, let’s face it – this is not a blog that is read by vast numbers of people, no matter what their persuasion.
Still, sometimes I feel something is so terribly, vitally, utterly important that I just HAVE to stand up and be counted. This is one of those times so please bear with me, Coffee Mates. For the last two-plus weeks, I’ve been digging everywhere I can to find out who Sarah Palin really is and what qualifies her to be our vice president, if not (shudder) our president. At best, the news is not good. At worst, it’s terrifying. At least, that’s the way it looks to my mind.
But you make up your own minds. If it’s of any use to you, I highly recommend this most absolutely kickin' Alaskan web site, Mudflats. This woman writes with intelligence, humor and, I believe, fairness. If you scroll back through the entries since Palin hit the headlines, I think you’ll see what I mean. Be sure to read the (mostly) thoughtful comments following each of her posts. You certainly won’t be bored. Another site that may be helpful is the very new Women Against Sarah Palin site. Letter after letter from people who are angry, horrified and/or insulted by what is perceived as a cynical, self-serving and dangerous choice. (The above Sandra Day O'Connor photo and quote were "borrowed" from that site. Thanks, folks.)
Your mileage may vary. That’s as it should be. Different strokes for different folks. I just hope the majority of us choose the strokes that will, in the long run, be healing and productive for ALL of us.