Fortunately, grandson Albert came over with great-grandson Archimedes and they went to the post office to pick up my mail. I knew the TimTams I'd ordered were in but that's the only package I was expecting. Albert and Archimedes came back with the TimTams and assorted mail and then Albert dumped my favorite short person in my lap and said, "You have to watch him while I go back for your KitchenAid."
"You're expletive deleting me!" I said (without deleting the expletive).
"Nope," he grinned. He was as tickled as I am. So I got a brief-but-delightful play date with Archimedes as an extra bonus to the wonders this day has produced and then Albert helped me unpack the Beast. (That dude is heavy, Coffee Mates!)
Didn't take me long to read through the User's Manual and it certainly didn't take much time to wash and dry all the components and set the Beast up in his place of honor by the sink. In fact, that's why the food pusher is not in the feed tube in the photo above. It's in the drainer in the sink. Don't worry. If you've seen one food pusher, you've seen 'em all.

Now, the bread machine kneaded the dough for a good long time and the results were always excellent. Then I tried mixing bread dough in the stand mixer. That took -- I dunno -- 5 to 7 minutes, I guess. And the bread came out just as good as that mixed in the bread machine. I thought that was fairly amazing and was afraid it would be asking way too much to expect anything that good with only 2 minutes in the processor.
Well. I'm here to tell you, out of that batch of dough, I made two Epis for Albert and Holly and I made myself two small round loaves. The above photo shows one of the latter after slicing. Folks, that bread is as good as any I've ever made and, by darn, I've made some excellent bread. (With the machines doing all the hard work, of course.) I had to go over and fondle the Beast just a little bit to let him know I appreciated the fact that quality did not suffer from the application of speed.

What can I say? I got to play with The Short Person, Amazon treated me extra nice, KitchenAid puts out superb toys for goddesses and, oh yeah . . . my brother called and they'll arrive here sometime tomorrow. My cup runneth over and I will moppeth not because I want to wade-eth through it.
Dee, I'm really, really happy for you that you have that wonderful new machine. However, I'm not so happy about the fact that now I want one. ;)
Here's my favourite KitchenAid recipe, Dee. Search through the freezer, pull out all those old part-used packs of veggies, along with all the odd ones that seemed like a good idea at the time but which you've never fancied since and never will. Empty 'em in the bowl and zap 'em on slow. Perfect vegetable gloup. It's going to need a bit of extra flavour, though. I recommend a bottle of good strong black rum. Sit down and pour a glass full to drink while watching the gloup. After a while, you'll need another glass. This is a good time to dump the gloup down the sink and drink another glass. Who needs veggies anyway?
That cashew butter is inspired! I just adore cashews, and I'm a peanut butter addict. How wonderful to 'butterize' the cashews!!!
Congratulations on the prompt delivery of your baby/beast! Despite the insensitivity of the Postal Service to customer satisfaction, they 'done gud.'
Thank you, Wendy, for sharing my happy dancing. And if I'm tempting you, well, what are friends for?
John, you're cracking me up! Gloup, indeed. I was taking you seriously until about the second glass of rum. (grin)
Sil, I agree -- "butterizing" nuts is a Good Thang. Wonder how macadamia butter would taste?
I must have went to bed just before you posted this last night! You really got crackin' on that thing right away, didn't ya! lol.
I bought the peanut oil the other day - just have to get the peanuts. Although, that cashew butter sounds marvelous!
I'm so happy your bread turned out well. The 9 cup did ya good, eh?
John had me going there for a couple of sentences, too! ;)
Wendy - you've got to get one! They're great!
Is that little short one really called the name you gave us? :-)
I bet you end up making your own peanut butter too.
Dee, could you let my friends that read you know that my husband Tim passed away suddenly on September 3. Wilma
Dee, I'm going to have to stop reading your blog. I always come away HUNGRY!! ;)
Wilma - I'm so sorry.
Yeah, Kate, I couldn't stand to wait another minute. (grin) Oh -- I ended up getting the 12-cup because I read where that's the size that worked best for the size loaf of bread I make.
Bonnie, yes -- Archimedes is really his name. We're getting used to it. Except Lee, at the market, always calls him Archie, which screws with the pronunciation. (sigh)
Wolfie, darlin', I always come away from your blog lovin' your furkids -- but I ain't gonna quit reading so you can't, either.
Wilma, I'm shocked and sorry. Wish I could wrap you in a big, warm hug, my friend. I'll work up a blog post right away.
Are we celebrating your birthday?
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