Second, I've gotta tell you about the mini-platter of cookies. These were hauled out of the freezer this morning because youngest dotter Patti was coming down for a visit. Had to sneak this picture in now because, back in December, when I gave you the recipe for Mojo Cookies, I was sans camera and couldn't illustrate the results. If you want to reprise the recipe, look up in the left-hand corner of this page. See that Search window? Type in Mojo Cookies and click on Search Blog. You'll see an adorable little puppy instead of a plate of cookies but the recipe is there.
Third, I've gotta tell you I've been having a blast with the new camera. In between visit and football and eating and napping, of course. Must have snapped off a kazillion shots, trying different stuff and seeing what worked and what didn't. Lord, how I love digicams. There's no way in bloody blue hell the average person could afford to learn by wasting that much film. And I see where I'm going to get to practice-waste some more because Gordo enticed me with the link in last night's comments to some video he shot. (You really like that blow-'em-up stuff, don'cha, Big Guy. Well, so do I.)
I'm gonna get killed if Patti finds out I posted the picture below but I don't think she'll know if I don't tell her. My kids rarely check in at my web site. Nobody's a prophet in their own country, you know. (Insert smile.) Anyway, what I was doing was checking out how the camera did in Portrait mode, no flash, shooting into light. According to the manual, Portrait mode is supposed to give you a softer look. I cropped the photo the way I did because I liked the different textures in the wicker shelves beside her. And I like the way it turned out.
Of course, I'll admit to a certain bias. I like looking at pictures of my kids. Even when they're frantically warning me off. "Mom, cut it out! I don't feel like having my picture taken today! Stop with the camera, dammit!"
Heh, she's lucky I didn't pull the trigger when she flipped me a bird. Well. One of us needs to display a modicum of decorum, she said as she snortled and chortled and stomped her feet on the floor.

You have a purty dotter, Dee. Lucky thing looks a lot like her mum! Next time she fusses about having her picture made, remind her that in 10 years she'll look back at these pictures and marvel at how young she looks. :) I can't tell you how happy I am you have a camera again! As much as I do love the LOLcats, I miss my Deepics. :)
Glad to have tempted you, Dee. Ba-Boom! :-)
Cookies and daughters in one post, yay!
Thank you, Wolfie. You make me feel good. Truth is, I believe all my kids are beautiful -- really -- which is something I'd never attribute to myself. I'm the plain one in the family. And you're so right about looking back on older pictures of yourself. And you wish you could have appreciated yourself more when you were at that age, eh?
Gordo, I haven't done it yet but, you bet, I most certanly will be trying out the video. Don't know of any blow-up activity around here but maybe I can find a small beastie of some sort. Guess that rules out the slugs, though. They don't move fast enough.
I think Patti displays a modicum of Dee-corum. After all, she's in the home of the CBG, where the pot is always right on. What's not to like?
1) I love those coffee cups. I have a 'cold by the time I finish' problem myself.
2) Those cookies look to die for. Nom nom nom!
3) Your daughter is beautiful, and the no-flash photo is so warm and welcoming.
4) Good Morning! (for the next 20 minutes any way - it's almost noon). I'm delurking after a long time of reading via bloglines. :)
Bill, I can always count on you for a good play on words. And the pot really IS always on. Gotta mug?
Cat, glad you delurked. You gave me an idea for a photo op for tonight's post. Thanks for the Patti-compliment. And Boker Tov back atcha!
Well you just tell dotter the shot came out great and if she doesn't mind hearing it I could see her mum in her. :-)
Pass the cookies please.
Thanks, Bonnie. And thank you, all. I'm saving the Patti compliments in case she discovers this page. A mommy needs defense sometimes. "But, Patti -- everybody *liked* the way you looked. Ain't it great?"
I am tickled pink & purple and joyfully jubilant over the gigantically generous gift from our beloved Cees and how well it is working out for you, Dee!!!!!!!!! It's an added bonus to a picture of your dotter! Yay! Snatch more of them young'uns! It's such a delight to see your taking pics again! Our world just wasn't right without you sharing pictures.
hugs bunches...
Well now Dee, you've pointed us in a direction of which new camera we're going to get. Ours quit working a few weeks ago and I've been miserable without one. I showed your link to Jim and he said it looks like a winner to him! We're going to check them out on Tuesday. (we'd go tomorrow but we're getting a big snowstorm tonight right through noon tomorrow).
Love the photo of Ralph yesterday, and your daughter, today.
Ah gee, Alfie. You make me grin and giggle. Thank you.
Oh wow, Kate! I'm really excited for you. All of a sudden Tuesday seems a long way off, huh? Let me know how it works out for you, please. Because you surely *know* I know how you feel without that wunnerful digicam! (It wouldn't hurt to check with amazon.com, either. Sometimes they have better prices on stuff.)
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