I have to say this Canon seems to handle the reds better than the Nikon did. All too often, the Nikon added a yellow tinge to the mix, especially in full sunlight.
On the other hand, so far, anyway, I find macro shots to be much more difficult with the Canon. I have been getting my closeups by going in the back door, so to speak. Take the shot at the regular distance, then after the picture has been uploaded to the computer, I zoom in and crop. With this many megapixels, one can do an awful lot of zooming. Still, it's not the same. Something for me to work on because I've been terribly spoiled with the macro abilities of the Nikon.
Went up to the market to do some grocery shopping right about dark this evening. Didn't realize Lee still had his outdoor Christmas lights up or I would have checked out the protocol for night shots and taken the camera with me. Darn. Photo opportunity missed. Or maybe not. It was -- and still is -- mizzling out there -- not a nice situation in which to place a camera. Or a camera person.
Now I need to finish putting away the groceries. And I need to roast some more coffee beans. And fix something to eat for dinner. But first, I'll just sit and sip my coffee and sort it all out in my alleged mind. Gotta start somewhere, even when you have the rainy day blahs.
Holy macro! You've had the camera, what, 48 hours or a little more, Dee, and you're already mastering all of its intricacies and idiosyncracies? I shutter to think of what this is going to lead to: beware the urge to perfection. When it comes to Dee-tail, don't sweat the small stuff.
It's good to see 'our' amarylis again, Dee! The camera looks better and better; my approach to learning the detail is to do it as I need it, when I need it. I miss some shots that way but it saves on brain fatigue.
We got the rainy day blues here, too. Or rainy month, more like... :-(
John B.
Sounds like you need somehing I won in an online contest a while back. It'a plastic bag with a very secure zip lock closure that's clear enough to take pictures through. It's meant for peopel who go out in boats, etc. and it even floats. I dropped my camera on the floor last night and broke the lens on the front (it was open). Don't know if I'll be able to get it fixed. Sigh....
Looks like I can't type tonight. *smile*
Bill, you're killin' me here. I do love a good pun. But you are definitely over-optimistic about how much I'm learning. Muddling through, that's what I'm really doing.
John, I hope the amaryllis gives you a little psychic boost to offset the dreary rain. That's what they're for, I firmly believe.
Oh, Wilma! My heart hurts for you. A broken lens is way serious. To give you an idea of how serious, Coffee Mates, check out Wilma's web site -- if you haven't already. Now *there* is a lady who knows how to use a camera!
Finally we have the drizzle. Hear a cold snap is on the way.
I'd invite you to do a Puddle Portrait for my group at Flickr, but of late I can't even get in there. (so glad I never paid)
I'm still dithering with the Cannon. Yesterday I actually sat down and read the book while trying out the camers. I made my first movie, learned how to delete, and today I'll learn something else. I hope. LOL So far it looks good.
Oh I wish I was there to share that cup of coffee with you! Coffee is good when it's mizzling, isn't it? It's been mizzling here for weeks, but the sun finally broke through today. I'm scurrying, trying to get that mound of laundry washed & hung out to dry!
A puddle portrait! What a neat idea, Bonnie. I might try it. Never can tell.
Ain't it fun, fiddlin', Mage? Step by step. Can't be crowding too much stuff all at once into our overworked brains, eh? I know -- I should speak for myself. (grin)
Kate, good luck on getting the laundry dry before the next mizzle. Sometimes that can be a real problem. But I'll keep the coffee hot for you.
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