Boy, did I score big today! My grandson Albert-the-chef and his Holly and my favorite short person, great-grandson Archimedes, all came over for a visit this afternoon. They even brought me a big bowl of a wonderful soup Albert had just fixed -- sort of a Mexican Minestrone, with black beans and corn and about a kajillion other ingredients, perfectly seasoned. Oy vey, aiiii caramba, wowsers!
Archimedes was, of course, the main attraction. Such a child. I haven't managed to teach him how to say, "Yay, Raiders!" yet but we'll get there. He is showing signs of understanding the concept of the high five, however. At this point, he seems to prefer the horizontal version but the vertical can't be far behind.
Eight months old and he's built like a line backer. Solid. And he's not that far from the toddling around stage. That's going to keep 'em on their toes. Because, of course, everything is interesting at that age and simply must be explored and examined and tasted. Oh yes. I wonder if they'll learn to do what I did when the kids were little. The cupboards they were allowed to explore were stocked with beat-up pots and pans and plastic bowls they couldn't hurt. They always liked that sort of thing over any regular toys.
And the sun was shining all day. Isn't it great how some days just shake out so perfectly?
What a wonderful day, Dee. How does it go? "Oh, no, they can't take that away from me." Something like that, anyway. :-)
Ah, John. You're in fine voice, you are! And right on the mark.
Cute, cute, cute!
Adorable young man!
Now isn't he the cutest little thing and he looks so happy!
It was a lovely day yesterday, wasn't it! The sun shone all day long and I had the windows and doors open till the sun slipped around to the side of the house.
So glad your day was beautiful, too!
Did they surprise you with the visit adding to the joy? :-)
I want to know as soon as that little one learns how to say and spell his own name OK? :-D
Archimedes's right hand may be giving you a horizontal five, but his left hand is most certainly giving you thumbs down on anything that isn't going to be a whole lotta fun.
This picture clearly shows what makes great-grandsons so great.
Stephanie, yes he's cute!
Becky, yes he's adorable!
Kate, yes he's happy!
Bonnie, yes it was a fun surprise. As for the "say and spell," uhmmm, not yet. (grin)
Bill, I hadn't noticed the thumbs down bit but I think you're right. I'll give you a thumbs up on the observation. (grin)
Grandkids are the best! (insert big grin here ...)
Kate, ain't it da troof? "If I'd known grandkids were so much fun, I'd have had them first!"
By the way, folks, this is Left Coast Kate, as opposed to Right Coast Kate. I loves me my Kates.
What a great day and good visit. Delightful kid too....whata smile. I'm grinning along with him.
That's the thing, Maggie: it's almost impossible not to grin back when a kid grins at you. Which is as it should be.
Right coast Kate, here. If it says "Kate et Jim", that's us, here in New York.
But anyone named 'Kate' has got to be great! eh? And 'Left Coast Kate' has got it right (no pun intended) Grandkids ARE the best!
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