Saturday, November 28, 2009

Rainbows and Remnants

As an apology for being awol for most of the month, I give you a rainbow. Oh. Wait. I'm not the one giving the rainbow. (Sorry, God. You know what I meant, right?) What I'm saying is, I'm happy to share my good fortune in being able to capture this rainbow amidst all the November rain we've been having. There has been sunshine, to be sure, but the appearance of vertical liquid approaches something like eighty-eleven percent of the monthly weather. Give or take a gallon or three. The rainbows are to cheer you up -- sort of like the lollipop the doctor gives after the shot.

I could have laid some food photos on you but since food has been a major component of our lives this past week, maybe a short vacation from the subject will be in order. Not that I'm taking a vacation from the consumption of food. Nay! I finished my share of the Nantucket Cranberry Pie and Albert's sweet potato pie but there's still a little of Patti's pumpkin pie left. Yay! And I can get one more meal out of the Casserole a la Leftover that I cobbled together. It went like this . . .

Took a couple of cups of Roger's turkey stuffing and dumped it in a big bowl. Added a couple of cups of chopped up leftover turkey, both white meat and dark. Whisked one egg into two cups of chicken broth and stirred it into the stuffing mixture. Let it sit so the bread cubes had time to absorb more liquid. In the meantime, I grated a chunk of cheddar cheese (half a cup?) and mixed it into what was probably a cup of mashed potatoes. Lightly greased a casserole dish and packed the stuffing mixture into it. Spread the tater and cheese mixture over the top and leveled it off, like a mashed potato crust. Sprinkled it with paprika and baked in a 350 degree oven for half an hour.

Nothing particularly original about it but it efficiently used up the leftovers and gave me, all together, 5 meals. Not too shabby. That last meal (mentioned above) will be teamed up with the last of Patti's fruit salad. I don't think I'll be able to handle the rest of the pumpkin pie until tomorrow. That works. It'll make an excellent breakfast.

And just in case it's raining where you are, here's another shot of God's nice rainbow.


kate et jim said...

Ah - I was wondering where God's been lately. He's been visiting you, Dear Dee! Giving you all sorts of beautiful reminders, eh?

Been missing you. I checked a few times, thinking perhaps I'd missed a notify. Nope. But there was still the photo of your sweet, beautiful Great Grandson, Archimedes, to gaze upon, so that always held me over.

Thanks for the rainbow, Dee. And thanks for the wonderful Thanksgiving leftovers! Mmmmmm.

Dee said...

Hi, Kate! You know, I could almost blame Archimedes for my procrastination. I have fun looking at his photo, too. (Can we say "proud great granny"?) Thankfully, I got a big "Archie fix" all day Thursday so I guess it's time to move on.

The Old Guy said...

You know, Dee, you COULD photoshop the rainbow over Archimedes. After all, it was his principle that explains buoyancy, and that great grandson is a quite the buoy. (Sorry, the Canucky pronunciation of "buoy" is "boy")

John Bailey said...

Open skies, even if rain-filled, rainbows, a big dish of fixed up left-overs and a splendid great grandson... says it all, Dee. Says it all!

Dee said...

Bill, YOU could photoshop the rainbow over Archimedes but I'd probably only manage to make myself even more banana-crackers than I already am.

Well, it says a lot, John, but you know me. I'm such a mouthy broad, I'm just bound to say more. (I mean that in the best possible way.) (grin)

~ Sil in Corea said...

My gosh, you do get the most stunning examples of God's Handiwork with your trusty camera, don't you? Thanks so much!

You really did something imaginative with those leftovers, too. Kudos, Lady Dee!

Hugs to you and the little guy,
~ Sil

Stephanie said...


Dee said...

Thanks, Sil and Stephanie! That makes me smile because, for me, rainbows are really tough to capture. The colors stay vivid so briefly, it seems. In point of fact, I had to intensify the colors a bit with my PSP program. They're fun while they last, aren't they?

Bonnie said...

Oh how I loved that rainbow!

Ever eat buttermilk pie? only a corner lasted around here Thursday and I ate it Friday. Wonder if I could make one using splenda?

Dee said...

Never had buttermilk pie, Bonnie, but it sounds good. And, yes, you can make it with Splenda. Just Google "buttermilk pie Splenda" and you'll get all kinds of links to recipes.

K8 said...

Oh that cobbler of leftovers sounds delicious! Except I'll use a mixture of Swiss & Asiago instead of cheddar. Otherwise, Ummm! Thanks!

Dee said...

I hear you, Kate! It's just that cheddar usually what I have on hand. I was thinking some Pecarino would have been good, too. (sigh) (That's cute -- K8.)