Yes. Past tense there. Without any real warning, something inside of Ralph broke down or wore out last night. He collapsed on the rug and wasn't able to get up. I held vigil with him, stroking and talking, until he seemed to relax enough to doze. Sometime between 12:30 and 1:00 a.m., he stretched out and groaned. As I pet him and talked to him, he relaxed again. And then he just left. Slipped away.
Oh, I'll still sense him around for awhile. That always happens when loved furkids decide to cross the Rainbow Bridge. You catch tantalizing glimpses of them out of the corner of your eye, like after-images.
Needless to say, I slept little last night. But I thought a lot about the years I got to spend with a feline character who was both sweet-natured and sassy. In one way, it seems unkind to lose him during the holiday season but in another, perhaps it's fitting. After all, he came to live with me when my friend Jack joined us for Christmas dinner and gifted me with young Master Ralph the Toddler. Thank you, Jack. He was a gift that kept on giving.

Empty boxes were always one of Ralph's favorite things. Not just any empty box, you understand. He had to check them over, each and every one. Those he deemed worthy of his patronage had to be left laying out for whatever period of time he chose to use them. A week, two weeks -- or until the corners split and spoiled the cozy fit.

Dee, I'm so sorry. Ralph seemed like such a great guy. I always enjoyed seeing pictures of him and reading your stories of him.
Oh, Dee, I'm so sorry, and Graham sends his best feelings, too. Words don't really help but how, otherwise, are we to say that we hurt with you? I know that you'll deal with it and I suspect that you'll deal with it in a way that will inspire us all with what we know already--you are a very special lady, and the creatures that share your world share that special nature, too.
Sending great hugs, and soft sobs...
I'm so sorry, Dee. He was a handsome one. And from what I've gleaned through reading your blog, he was a proper dignified, boy - box lover and all.
Perhaps he'll meet up with my 'Emma Girl' (my old yellow lab) who crossed that bridge this past Spring. She was a cat lover, so she won't mind greeting him, at all.
Sympathy's and hugs.
I'm so sorry Dee.
Ralph's Friend,
Sorry Dee, He had a somewhat short life, but had a lot of life for the time he had.I'm glad you and he were friends as we are!
Oh, thank you, everyone. The hugs and good thoughts really do comfort, please believe me.
Kate, I'll bet your Emma and my Midge (black Lab) are friends over there. Hard to find more loving dogs than Labs and Goldens, I think.
Oh Dee I do hope Ralph meets up with Charlie and the two of them can tell how they wrapped me around their paws. It was a pleasure to meet him.
Chan is not eating right and I'm concerned his thyroid may require a visit to the vet before January.
Thank you, Bonnie. Ralph enjoyed you, too.
I'm sending mojo for Chan. We don't need him feeling puny!
Awwww...he's beautiful! I already knew that, of course, but seeing him today makes it even more special. Great shots and a great tribute to your Highness.
Hi, Dee. I don't know if I felt something going on with your Ralphie or not but I thought about Ralph, out of the blue, earlier today. I wondered what he was doing lately. Maybe I sensed an emptiness. So sad to hear about him. I wonder what caused it.
Darn: my comment is attached to the wrong blog entry, but it's no less sincere.
Again, thanks to all of you for such warm good thoughts. (Bill, I caught the stray comment -- thank you.)I know it's entirely due to support from friends like all of you that has me feeling so much better at the end of this long day than I did at the beginning.
Dear Dee, so sorry to hear your sad news. I'm sure it was a comfort to Ralph that you were with him when he went. Hugs, through tears, Maggie
I'm really sorry about Ralph. You gave him a good life, and he gave much back to you.
Dee, I'm so sorry. I'm sure Ralph is checking out the new neighborhood, and is already having long conversations with Midgie about how you've been such a great mom to them.
What a fitting tribute to His Royal Highness Ralph. Hope he says hello to Jerry in the land over the bridge.
Hugs to you dear,
Oh, Dee, I am so sorry to hear about Ralph. He was a great cat! But you know he will always be with you! Hugs!
I'm so sorry dear Dee. What a mighty fur companion he was, and oh, how he will be missed by us all.
Many Hugs!!! ,*/,* ~ Sil
Oh Dee, I'm so sorry! It's so hard to lose them, and he was indeed magnificent, and unique.
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