But you can. Meet Doris, I mean. Along with the Mustards and assorted animal and human friends and even the elusive Ms Toft herself. Yes, Sam is a she and a rather unassuming she at that. I couldn't find any photos of her at all until I happened on her web page. Which made me rather late with this post because I was having so much fun reading about her and her dog Moses and what she has to say about her creations. You must meet the Mustards when you explore the web site. You'll love the whimsy of Sam's mind in both her writing and her art. There's even a video, showing you how to draw Mr. Mustard and if you go from there to YouTube, you'll find another video that gives you a tour of her studio.
Speaking of videos, Mr. Bill, I thank you for the link to the Santa cake video but I do believe I'll leave that sort of thing to someone else, thank you very much. I would have to kill anyone who tried to eat that cake after spending the time necessary to decorate it and I don't suppose they'd serve me any Santa cake in prison to make up for it.
Ava, you asked about whether the monster savory bread pudding from the other day would freeze well. I'm happy to report it not only does, it's even more delicious when heated up than it was the first day. I cut it up into slabs and put a couple of them in each of three or four quart-sized freezer bags. When I take one out, I just dump the pudding, frozen solid, into a lidded Corning Ware casserole dish, add a couple tablespoons of water, put the lid on and nuke it for 10 minutes. Perfect! It was my lunch today and a very satisfactory one it was. In fact, I liked it so well, I'm afraid I'm going to have to pick a dozy afternoon and do another one. It turns out to be the best "leftover" freezer meal I've had yet.
I'm still muddling along with the NaNoWriMo thang. It's surprising me, the way things are developing -- in a good way, thank heaven. In fact, my subconscious is trying to be helpful, too. I took a nap this afternoon and durned if I didn't wake up with an idea a dream had given me. Couldn't wait to stumble to the computer and get it written down.
I think I'm pretty well burned out for the day, though. I've earned my rest for the evening and, by golly, I'm gonna take it. Besides, I might have another helpful dream tonight. That would be cool.
Have to admire those writers among you. I've just never sat long enough to read through a story. Just like sitting in a chair my eyes get heavy and I don't want to nod off on the keyboard. :-)
Should see me nodding trying to research scanners.
Sam Toft is a delight, & why haven't I met her before? I thought the calendar was lovely, & was going to buy one, but they're 20 quid, which translates to 40 bucks, which is way too much for any calendar at all, even if it does have Doris on it.
Well, gee, Bonnie, I can't blame you for nodding off during scanner research. (smile)
Kate, I can't afford Sam either but there is a solution -- you probably have a program on your 'puter that will allow you to print out calendar pages. Go to art.com and click on Toft pictures (be sure to go to the "more info" version) and save to a folder on your hard drive. Combine pictures and calendar program as suits you. It's for your own use so you're not breaking any copyright laws. Google "Sam Toft" and you'll get all kinds of links. Maybe you'll be able to find a source for larger versions of the prints.
Brave you. I didn't do/am not doing any of that NaNo stuff as I wasn't/isn't home. Ya like that. Got home late last night, and I'm just now catching up.
Good stuff, thank you.
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