I was right -- didn't get any sleep last night.
Finished the book at 7:00 this morning -- and crashed and burned shortly thereafter. Can't remember for sure (I wasn't paying real close attention) but I think I staggered out of bed somewhere around 1:00 this afternoon. It's sure a good thing I didn't have anything urgent or important scheduled for today because I can guarantee I'd have blown it. See that picture of Garfield? That's pretty much the way I've looked -- and felt -- all day.
Not that I regret the endurance read. Some books simply demand that of you and I'm willing, every time. How can I not be grateful that there are books that will draw you in like that? More of them, I say. More!
Since there are still a lot of folks who haven't had a chance to read The Deathly Hallows yet, I won't comment on it -- except to say I was not disappointed. Not at all. I do have a mild criticism in regard to treatment, and I believe the book would have been better had Rowling done this particular thing. On the other hand, she has consistently held the attention and loyalty of a huge number of readers through a nearly ten-year span and that takes real skill and talent. It ain't the luck of the draw. Somehow, I don't feel she would be interested in my suggestions. (Insert smile.)
And now, Coffee Mates, I'm going to tuck myself into bed. I do not recover from all-nighters the way I used to. Can't imagine why.
Now, let's see: An all-night read comes to 2 pots of coffee, a large tray of sausage rolls, and a heavily over-loaded fruit bowl. I stand fore-warned, Dee, and I shall be sure to be fore-armed. Looking forward to following your example!
Gee, John ... next time I do an all-night read, I'm going to do it with you! I'll bring a platter of pita chips.
I read on another's blog that he was disappointed in the excess wordage so he skipped to the end. I just plain skipped any of the books as I know better than even try. Maybe I need audio books to stay awake.
I fell asleep in the first Potter movie so I guess I'm just the only non fan there is.:-)
I read the book and would be interested in hearing what you think Rowling should have done to make the book better...
Bonnie, it's a matter of "different strokes for different folks." It would be such a bore if we all liked the same things. Look at all the good stuff that would get left out.
Steph, remind me after all the hoopla dies down. It's just an idea that concerns the structure of the book. And I want to stress that I loved the book and have huge respect for what Rowling has accomplished.
I get my reading copy tomorrow night! (borrowing from a friend) I can't wait! I'll probably be incommunicado & incognito for a day or two until I get it done -- geez, but it's huge! Pass the pita bread, please, it's gonna be a loooooong night!
Finished here. G started reading on the ship and finished the second day home. :)
Count me another non-fan. Can't explain why, just doesn't grab me. But I'm thrilled to see people, especially kids, so excited about it. I pulled a very late-nighter one night recently, during a good book, and lordy did I pay for it the next day. Let's just say my employers did not get their money worth that day.
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