Most of the links on this page are about emu. Some are about ostrich and/or rhea. Cassowary and kiwi links are coming soon. That's my plan anyway... all I have to do is find the stuff again since my drive crash. :) It's here "somewhere".
My goal for this page is to have links to sites that have some "educational content" as opposed to sites that do nothing but "sell stuff". Without being paid, I'm not very interested in providing a link for a site with nothing but products for sale. I started this site because I like emu. Some of the sites listed here do sell emu products and that's a good thing because the products available from this bird are great. I guess another way to put it is: I have this page so folks can learn about birds. That was the original reason for this whole site and I figure that's why you are here. (Hmm, that sounds rather stuffy. Oh well.) With all that said, if you want to suggest a site or swap links, let me know. If you hit a "bad" link, tell me. I'll promptly update.
AgView is a
search tool for resources related to Agriculture.
Emu Oil
Institute Interesting site. Lots of
Encore plus de liens!-Ratites Much of this site is
also in English.
New Brunswick Emu Association Or Homestead Emu
Farms Ltd.?
Per Aspera Emus Home Page See an emu giving
Walkabout Acres Chicks is an interesting farm in
Canada. Nice pictures!
Vinegar Etched Emu Eggs This is just neat.
Larger Emu is a good page of information at the University of Michigan.
Here are some nice Emu and Cassowary pictures.
Emu's Zine is an on-line magazine.