Welcome to Paul's Emu Place!

   Come on in and look around!

I'm tearing the site apart and rebuilding. Stuff is broken. Not everything works. Yet.

Here is a picture of Eve.  I was in the pen with the camera and snapped this shot as she was coming for a peck at the "thing" I was holding.  The auto-focus on my Polaroid does strangely neat things.


I'm glad you stopped by!  I raise emu on my ranch near Burnet, Texas.  Twenty-five acres may not be a big ranch, but LostCreek Ranch keeps me busy.  I had 14 -pair- that have laid.  They laid 80+ eggs.  But that was a few years ago.  Now I have three pair and maybe twenty eggs this season.

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Last updated February 3, 2025.
The Fine Print   1997-2025