My Father

I would like to begin by expressing our deepest thanks from the entire Overmyer family to all of you for coming here today to share your love and give your support as we say a fond farewell and pay our final respects to my father. My father is a true American hero. Although he is not here today in human presence, he is among us, watching over us. A part of him has touched every one of us and made our lives better and he will always continue to live on with every one of us in our memories - beautiful, cherished memories. I know my father is in a good place and that God is with him.

My father accomplished so many truly amazing feats and honors in his lifetime, having flown two Shuttle missions, retiring a Colonel in the United States Marines, making numerous public appearances, meeting Presidents and other world leaders, writing aviation articles, and educating thousands of adults and children about the space program. But to me, and I know if you would have asked him he would tell you the same, the most important part of his life was his dedication to and love for my mom and his three children. He was always there for us, whether it was a birthday party, soccer game, diving meet, baseball game, flying lesson, playing catch or just around the house. He loves us all and was always very enthusiastic and supportive of anything we wanted to do. My father is a loving, caring, giving man, and that is how I remember him and want you all to remember him.

There is something very special about the relationship between a father and a son. It is very special. I will always have a wonderful relationship with my father. I miss him so much, and I wish he was still here today, but I must continue the way he would want me to. The journey will not be the same without having him along the way. He taught me so much that makes me the man I am today, but I had so much more to learn and he had so much more to give.

If this has taught me anything, it is to appreciate what we have and to make the most of the time we are together. You hate to see anybody die, especially when it is far before their time. It was far before my Dad's time, but if he had to go early, flying is the way he would have chosen. I have never been more proud and more honored in my life to say my name is Robert Overmyer.

I love you, Dad!  God, take care of him ...

Old Astronauts never die ...
They just explore new worlds.



Quote From Dad

"No matter where you go,
No matter what you do,
I will always love you
and be very proud
because you are my son."

Dedicated to all the sons and fathers my dad ever knew

Robert R. Overmyer's tribute to Col. Robert F. Overmyer, 26 March 1996.

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