The band finally takes a break. Cindy draws a deep breath. Sir Lightnin of Lewie steps down off the stage and makes his way through the throng on the dance floor. He disappears in the crowd and she can no longer see him. The jukebox cranks up noisily, spouting "Free Bird" at high volume. The Prince moves in closer to Cindy in order to be heard over the jukebox. Cindy figures if there is a hell, it's a place where one has to listen to "Free Bird" 24 hours a day.
Suddenly Sir Lightnin of Lewie is at her feet. He bows low, a beer in each hand; he goes so low that his lips touch the hem of her garment. Then he lifts his head and looks deep into Cindy's eyes.
"M'lady," he says, lowering his head again.
"Arise, Sir Lightnin, and meet the Prince."
Sir Lightnin bows to the Prince and presents his gift of beer. Shit, from across the crowded room he has not only spotted them in the audience, but has noticed what brands of beer they're drinking, too. Cindy is impressed.
"Thank you, Sir Lightnin," Cindy says.
"It is my great pleasure, m'lady," Sir Lightnin says, clinking his beer bottle against hers.
They toast. Sir Lightnin sets the beer down and pulls Cindy into his arms. He hugs her tightly, rocking her gently back and forth, holding her for a long time. Then he kisses her lightly on the lips and places both hands on her gorgeous shoulders.
"You are positively magnificent," he says. "Have you been to the ball?"
"Yes, we have," Cindy says.
Sir Lightnin turns to the Prince.
"I guess you know, Prince, that you have your hands full with this one."
"Her? Oh, yeah, I know that, don't worry. She almost caused one riot tonight when she took her jacket off."
Sir Lightnin tosses his head back and laughs heartily. When he laughs it comes from way down deep inside him. It is one of the things Cindy likes best about him. His laughter is so real. When you hear it, you know he is laughing from the very depths of his soul.
He is such a charmer. Cindy sips her beer and observes as Sir Lightnin weaves his magick spell on the Prince. The clear blue eyes sparkle with energy and enthusiasm. The deep voice, so musical and vibrant, soothes even the most savage of beasts. There is song itself inherent in that voice, even when it is speaking. His ready laugh punctuates the conversation. Yep, the Prince is falling under Sir Lightnin's spell, alright. She smiles to herself.
Such a paradox, this man.
Sir Lightnin is explaining to the Prince how he has come to be playing with this band tonight. The Prince is giving his opinion. From out of nowhere, Sir John A of Miller appears at Cindy's side.
"John A"?!?"
Cindy leaps off the stool into Sir John's arms. He picks her up and swings her around until she's dizzy. He puts her down, only for Sir Raymond's arms to replace his. Sir Raymond spins her around, too, lavishing her with hugs and kisses.
"Cindy, my god, girl, where have you been? Ever since that other fairy tale ended we have wondered about you. Waited for you. Searched every face in the crowd for you."
"Well here I am, darlin', so don't waste time!"
Sir Raymond whisks her away to the dance floor. "Free Bird" has ended by now, thank the gods, and together they sway to a Ray Charles offering of "Georgia On My Mind". Sir Raymond is a wonderful dancer. He raves in Cindy's ear about how wonderful she looks and how she hasn't changed a bit. She knows this is a lie but she begs him not to stop. They laugh, they dance, they jabber through three tunes in a row. The slip is holding inside the pantyhose.
Then it is time for the band to go back to work. Sir Lightnin bows low, kisses her hand, and hugs her close. Sir Raymond kisses her on the cheek. Sir John spins her around one last time for good measure.
"Let's blow this popsicle joint," says the Prince.
Cindy pauses at the swinging doors and blows a little kiss toward the stage.
.... continued here
youngblood, Sun 0 deg Capricorn 96 / Moon in Taurus