Alice called this morning at 0422 hours with a need to chat as she waited for the world to wake up. (This is one of the services we provide here at Rock & Roll Heaven -- helping folks wait for the world to awaken.) She was wondering about her mission.
It's not always easy to discern one's own mission, you see. Sometimes our mission is so secret that even we don't know what it is. And turning our sights inward is a lot more difficult to do than one might think. So here at Rock & Roll Heaven we do everything we can to help our Agents define their personal mission and assist them with strategic planning. It's that River of Forgetfulness we're all dipped in just before we incarnate that's the problem. Once we get dipped, we can't remember sh*t. It's a vital part of the challenge to figure out what our mission is in spite of the River and in spite of all the help we receive deceiving ourselves. Even when we're cognizant of the fact that our path is not that of the ordinary, of the usual, the pressure from society still comes to bear on our self-image. We must constantly remind ourselves that we are the spark of illumination, the planters of cosmic seeds, the truth that another truth exists beyond one's own.
Take Alice, for example. She has this Moon-Uranus conjunction in Gemini that just cracks me up. She's so witty and funny and sees things from such a zany perspective ... I tell you, it's really hard to be sad or depressed around Alice. She can always see the humor in every situation, regardless of how dire or desperate it may seem. First thing you know, you're laughing at yourself in spite of your best intentions to the contrary. She just reaches down inside and pulls out all those Fears, the same ones we all have, and makes them look so ridiculous that we can't help ourselves. We laugh right out loud.
Alice says things that make us think; little flashes of inspiration which open our minds to new possibilities and alternate realities. She lifts us beyond ourselves, into another realm, where it's our dream and it can be anything we want it to be.
And Alice is wondering about her mission ... ? Oh, well, we all do it from time to time. By the way, if you know why I'm here, would you kindly tell me? Could I, like, read it in boldface print somewhere, please? Perhaps you could flash it across the TV screen or let it be the prize in my Crackerjack?
youngblood, Sun 3 deg Cancer 94 / Moon in Aquarius
Alice ... through the looking glass