tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-399953666507652031.post966304725438931702..comments2009-12-18T19:03:07.389-08:00Comments on Coffee Bean Goddess: Tannenbaum, O Tannenbaum . . .Deehttp://www.blogger.com/profile/00640058997702227911noreply@blogger.comBlogger7125tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-399953666507652031.post-83691589734998252032009-12-18T19:03:07.389-08:002009-12-18T19:03:07.389-08:00Let CB deck the halls. You have a good holiday, a...Let CB deck the halls. You have a good holiday, and I will check back with you when we get home....yes we are running away from the holiday. Hugs.....Maggiehttp://www.blogger.com/profile/17333086721654817750noreply@blogger.comtag:blogger.com,1999:blog-399953666507652031.post-56559793882918707662009-12-18T17:35:19.604-08:002009-12-18T17:35:19.604-08:00I loved this! I think all the towns should do tha...I loved this! I think all the towns should do that - it would sure save a ridiculous amount of money, wouldn&#39;t it!<br /><br />Can&#39;t wait for the pic, Dee!kate et jimnoreply@blogger.comtag:blogger.com,1999:blog-399953666507652031.post-42189911162085143122009-12-18T07:05:18.849-08:002009-12-18T07:05:18.849-08:00Thanks, Bonnie. Maybe a pic tonight -- but you hav...Thanks, Bonnie. Maybe a pic tonight -- but you have me confused. (Easily done, I&#39;m afraid.) You said you agreed with the town but the clip showed folks who thought the tree sucked and folks who thought it was cool. Hmmmmmm.Deehttp://www.blogger.com/profile/00640058997702227911noreply@blogger.comtag:blogger.com,1999:blog-399953666507652031.post-71484358080600074332009-12-18T06:36:06.449-08:002009-12-18T06:36:06.449-08:00When I saw 'mild rant' and then watched the clip I...When I saw &#39;mild rant&#39; and then watched the clip I thought &quot;well I agree with the town so why doesn&#39;t Dee?&quot; Then I came back and finished reading. :-)<br /><br />You have a great holiday with your CB tree and let&#39;s see a picture of it OK?Bonniehttp://www.xanga.com/blbnoreply@blogger.comtag:blogger.com,1999:blog-399953666507652031.post-91017059069655467122009-12-17T22:05:31.324-08:002009-12-17T22:05:31.324-08:00You've got it right, John. Charlie Brown is a pret...You&#39;ve got it right, John. Charlie Brown is a pretty kewl kid.<br /><br />&quot;Leftover&quot; custom, Bill? Uhmmm . . . did you just make a pun? I think you made a pun. You rascal. (grin)Deehttp://www.blogger.com/profile/00640058997702227911noreply@blogger.comtag:blogger.com,1999:blog-399953666507652031.post-21059707678334955302009-12-17T21:40:05.129-08:002009-12-17T21:40:05.129-08:00I blame it all on the proximity of Thanksgiving to...I blame it all on the proximity of Thanksgiving to Christmas. It doesn&#39;t seem right to decimate the turkey population twice within a month&#39;s time. But I suppose it&#39;s just another leftover custom.The Old Guyhttp://cud-chewing.blogspot.comnoreply@blogger.comtag:blogger.com,1999:blog-399953666507652031.post-61041031054233407512009-12-17T21:01:33.598-08:002009-12-17T21:01:33.598-08:00Yay for CB!Yay for CB!John Baileyhttp://www.blogger.com/profile/09887643652203228032noreply@blogger.com