tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-399953666507652031.post2579676512394451702..comments2007-06-03T19:18:43.162-07:00Comments on Coffee Bean Goddess: Neat NewsDeehttp://www.blogger.com/profile/00640058997702227911noreply@blogger.comBlogger5125tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-399953666507652031.post-47816133114288825332007-06-02T08:16:00.000-07:002007-06-02T08:16:00.000-07:00John, Bex and Bill: Yay! Let's hear it for Nessie!...John, Bex and Bill: Yay! Let's hear it for Nessie! I'm amused, though, that Bex thinks of Nessie as male while I always think of her as female. Ah well, in a just universe, there is a Nessie pair, mated for life.<BR/><BR/>Bonnie, the whole situation with drug company research and finances is a horrible mess. Big money and ethics are too often strangers.Deehttp://www.blogger.com/profile/00640058997702227911noreply@blogger.comtag:blogger.com,1999:blog-399953666507652031.post-44049844629147511572007-06-02T06:33:00.000-07:002007-06-02T06:33:00.000-07:00Drug companies upset about losing money on oysters...Drug companies upset about losing money on oysters fed on viagra. Wonder what doc prescribed it for the oysters. Someone had to figure out the dosage. :-)<BR/><BR/>Today's news about drug companies not working on a new effective drug for TB pointed at how much money they are making off viagra vs. TB drugs. Sad.bbnoreply@blogger.comtag:blogger.com,1999:blog-399953666507652031.post-57941081506010515962007-06-02T05:18:00.000-07:002007-06-02T05:18:00.000-07:00Definitions:Nessiesarians: people who believe Ness...Definitions:<BR/><BR/><B>Nessiesarians</B>: people who believe Nessie is in the Loch.<BR/><BR/><B>Antinessiesarians</B>: people who don't believe anyone has ever seen Nessie in the Loch.<BR/><BR/><B>Internessiene</B>: The war of words between the first two groups.<BR/><BR/><B>Nessiesaurians</B>: older people who have definitely seen Nessie in the Loch.<BR/><BR/><B>Nessiecity</B>: An absolute need to believe Nessie is in the Loch.<BR/><BR/>and so on...The Old Guyhttp://www.blogger.com/profile/06426667397513875027noreply@blogger.comtag:blogger.com,1999:blog-399953666507652031.post-45911965602593027332007-06-02T03:41:00.000-07:002007-06-02T03:41:00.000-07:00I agree with John, there IS a Nessie... I have dri...I agree with John, there IS a Nessie... I have driven along that wonderful Loch-side road too. It's one of the most beautiful drives ever, always with an eagle-eye on the loch - looking for a sign of Nessie. He's in there, I just know it. <BR/><BR/><A HREF="http://crowcottage.wordpress.com" REL="nofollow">Bex</A>Anonymousnoreply@blogger.comtag:blogger.com,1999:blog-399953666507652031.post-54373549486033131092007-06-02T01:02:00.000-07:002007-06-02T01:02:00.000-07:00I absolutely positively refuse not to believe that...I absolutely positively refuse not to believe that Nessie is there. When you travel alongside Loch Ness you know <I>why</I> there has to be a Nessie. There just has to be... :-)John Baileyhttp://oldgreypoet.wordpress.comnoreply@blogger.com