tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-399953666507652031.post1748459295238578423..comments2008-11-11T18:20:17.086-08:00Comments on Coffee Bean Goddess: For My Next Decade ...Deehttp://www.blogger.com/profile/00640058997702227911noreply@blogger.comBlogger16125tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-399953666507652031.post-34276668618265975052008-11-11T18:20:00.000-08:002008-11-11T18:20:00.000-08:00Happy happy happy dear Dee........we are all so ve...Happy happy happy dear Dee........we are all so very glad to know you at any age. I just happened to think you thirty......where was I. <BR/><BR/>You are the new seventy fer sure.Maggiehttp://www.blogger.com/profile/17333086721654817750noreply@blogger.comtag:blogger.com,1999:blog-399953666507652031.post-5360294165338872532008-11-08T12:38:00.000-08:002008-11-08T12:38:00.000-08:00Happy birthday Dee and many more. Thanks for shari...Happy birthday Dee and many more. Thanks for sharing your memories. mz. emwordsofminehttp://wordsofmine.wordpress.com/noreply@blogger.comtag:blogger.com,1999:blog-399953666507652031.post-37049418053643994852008-11-08T07:14:00.000-08:002008-11-08T07:14:00.000-08:00Dee, I knew you were a grand corker of a person to...Dee, I knew you were a grand corker of a person to know. And you just added some really neat tidbits about your life that we all didn't know. Loved it! So, what part did you play in that show?<BR/><BR/>If I was close by, I'd gladly bake you a cake and bring it over. But since I can't, all I can do is wish you a happy birthday and MANY more. I can only wish to live as long as you. I've got 10 years to go.<BR/><BR/>P.S. The Old Guy is pretty famous for whipping out those birthday poems. Loved it, my dear.Johttp://www.blogger.com/profile/16259722861946381805noreply@blogger.comtag:blogger.com,1999:blog-399953666507652031.post-65130614997035446002008-11-08T06:38:00.000-08:002008-11-08T06:38:00.000-08:00After reading your post and all the comments, I re...After reading your post and all the comments, I realized I am one of the oldies. I am three years ahead of you, Gal, and I am here to say that 70 might be a milestone, but just think, 10 more years and you can be 80! Mama always said that after 80, it became all fun. How's that for looking ahead with hope and laughter?<BR/><BR/>Happy Birthday, Friend, and many more.<BR/><BR/>AvaAnonymousnoreply@blogger.comtag:blogger.com,1999:blog-399953666507652031.post-44400884217486895582008-11-08T05:57:00.000-08:002008-11-08T05:57:00.000-08:00You know I kept looking at that date and couldn't ...You know I kept looking at that date and couldn't remember why it seemed special to me. Now I know, a friend has a birthday and I didn't remember.And shoot I'm younger than her! lol <BR/><BR/>Well OK I join you next year. Got our rocking chairs ready? <BR/><BR/>I want some pictures of that show btw.<BR/><BR/>ryc: I'll get a themometer and the next time I make it,no foil! It was good.Bonniehttp://mizbee.netnoreply@blogger.comtag:blogger.com,1999:blog-399953666507652031.post-16896830310213103422008-11-08T04:49:00.000-08:002008-11-08T04:49:00.000-08:00Many happy returns!I turned 60 the end of August, ...Many happy returns!<BR/><BR/>I turned 60 the end of August, so now am officially and Old Age Pensioner. Eeek! <BR/><BR/>Hugs from LiverpoolMaggiehttp://www.blogger.com/profile/13630530599678517169noreply@blogger.comtag:blogger.com,1999:blog-399953666507652031.post-17098184225939810952008-11-08T04:02:00.000-08:002008-11-08T04:02:00.000-08:00At seventy, you're full of beans.No longer slave t...At seventy, you're full of beans.<BR/>No longer slave to the daily grind,<BR/>You think back over many scenes<BR/>Which percolate down through your mind.<BR/><BR/>Once a hottie, up and doing,<BR/>Now you're cool and even sweeter,<BR/>Offering your latest brewing,<BR/>Serving wisdom by the liter.<BR/><BR/>So may you, Goddess of the Bean,<BR/>Have grounds to keep us all awake,<BR/>Recounting tales of what you've seen<BR/>(With recipes for coffee cake).<BR/><BR/>Three cups Barack, one cup of Joe!<BR/>Your new decade starts with elation!<BR/>Make mine double! That's to go!<BR/>America's the <A HREF="http://hem.bredband.net/sim1travels3/indexcoffee.html" REL="nofollow">Caffeine Nation!</A>The Old Guyhttp://www.blogger.com/profile/06426667397513875027noreply@blogger.comtag:blogger.com,1999:blog-399953666507652031.post-8344406331765524472008-11-08T03:42:00.000-08:002008-11-08T03:42:00.000-08:00Happy Birthday Dee. It's funny how we picture our...Happy Birthday Dee. It's funny how we picture our online friends and then come to find out our "mental picture" of them is all wrong. I know 70 is not "old" especially to a person who is now pushing 61 in a few months... but it galls me when the doctors I type for dictate that they are examining an "elderly gentleman" and then I check and see that the patient is 70 years of age! I grit my teeth and try not to be too angry... since that doctor probably is just a young thing and doesn't know any better... <BR/><BR/>"elderly" indeed. Anyway, Happy Birthday, again! Are you planning to make your own cake, and can we have a piece when you're done?Bexhttp://www.blogger.com/profile/10474693933075104971noreply@blogger.comtag:blogger.com,1999:blog-399953666507652031.post-17442536420891057812008-11-08T03:37:00.000-08:002008-11-08T03:37:00.000-08:00Happy Birthday, Dee! Have a fantastic, wonderful ...Happy Birthday, Dee! Have a fantastic, wonderful day!<BR/><BR/>I'm with Becky - You'll 'tailor it to fit'. <BR/><BR/>Gosh - I just realized, I'm only 13 years behind you. (Doesn't sound like a long way off, when I put it that way. ;)kate et jimnoreply@blogger.comtag:blogger.com,1999:blog-399953666507652031.post-86989239016082469482008-11-08T02:21:00.000-08:002008-11-08T02:21:00.000-08:00I just love what you told your husband about havin...I just love what you told your husband about having options. Happy birthday!Stephaniehttp://yaketyyak.wordpress.comnoreply@blogger.comtag:blogger.com,1999:blog-399953666507652031.post-47368755475785603752008-11-07T22:06:00.000-08:002008-11-07T22:06:00.000-08:00Congratulations! Happy Birthday and Many, Many Mo...Congratulations! Happy Birthday and Many, Many More Happy Days! I'll be tagging along like 'li'l sis.' You can teach me how to "do the seventies." (turn up the disco, please) ;-)~ Sil in Coreahttp://www.xanga.com/sillama1noreply@blogger.comtag:blogger.com,1999:blog-399953666507652031.post-66029270741081587212008-11-07T21:24:00.000-08:002008-11-07T21:24:00.000-08:00Dee, all best wishes as you begin this new decade....Dee, all best wishes as you begin this new decade. If you're seventy, then seventy isn't old!Wendyhttp://www.blogger.com/profile/09684838805174960356noreply@blogger.comtag:blogger.com,1999:blog-399953666507652031.post-68773500753619250532008-11-07T21:17:00.000-08:002008-11-07T21:17:00.000-08:00Happy birthday, you trail-blazer, too. Look behin...Happy birthday, you trail-blazer, too. Look behind you somewhere around August next year and you'll see me struggling to catch up.<BR/><BR/>One blessing (among many) ... have you noticed how chocolate tastes even better now?John Baileyhttp://yellowhammer.wordpress.comnoreply@blogger.comtag:blogger.com,1999:blog-399953666507652031.post-83418965710340074362008-11-07T21:16:00.000-08:002008-11-07T21:16:00.000-08:00Happy birthday, andThanx for being here!Happy birthday, and<BR/>Thanx for being here!Doughttp://www.blogger.com/profile/17651911051734268119noreply@blogger.comtag:blogger.com,1999:blog-399953666507652031.post-36392695932745352932008-11-07T21:14:00.000-08:002008-11-07T21:14:00.000-08:00Happy Birthday my friend. I'm not that far behind ...Happy Birthday my friend. I'm not that far behind you. Will be 69 in March. What is it they say about not getting older but getting better. That's you girl. *Hugs*CJAhttp://www.blogger.com/profile/18190660341991824388noreply@blogger.comtag:blogger.com,1999:blog-399953666507652031.post-69308629351034043482008-11-07T21:08:00.000-08:002008-11-07T21:08:00.000-08:00Happy Birthday, Dee! And I think you'll go for ta...Happy Birthday, Dee! And I think you'll go for tailoring it to fit, then teaching everyone how to do that for themselves!Beckyhttp://www.blogger.com/profile/06822252825413552604noreply@blogger.com