Most of the world currently stands shocked and horrified at the mass suicide which has taken place in San Diego. I, however, am neither shocked or horrified. I am instead impressed by the thought and care that went into the planning and execution of this event.
I do not object to anyone committing suicide. I do not believe it is a sin nor am I concerned that it might be contagious, that I might catch it if I come too close. It does not offend my sensibilities, beliefs, or values. Suicide is a just another choice we sometimes face in life. It is a personal decision.
It is not a personal decision I ever plan to make for myself, of course. At least I don't think so. In my life thus far I have known great sorrow, oppression, and pain, but never in my darkest moment did I ever contemplate taking my own life. There is a grain of hope that thrives within me that tells me no matter how bad things get, they are not worth ending my life. All situations change and pass away, and I have always known that the pain and sorrow and oppression were only temporary. So I have lived to love and laugh again another day. I have also never adopted some belief system that might require my self-destruction.
There are a couple of things that do bother me about most suicides. They are usually very messy, for instance. In more ways than one. Sometimes the method of offing oneself leaves one's brains splattered all over the walls. Or one's body splattered all over the sidewalk. I object to the gore associated with many suicides. How horribly inconsiderate to leave a mess like that for someone to find and rectify.
I also dislike the fact that many suicides do not leave the "why" of it for their loved ones. They don't say goodbye properly, if at all. That makes it hell for the family and friends left behind, who spend the rest of their lives wondering. It is unkind to do that to the people who love you.
But our brothers and sisters in San Diego were very organized and thoughtful in the way they went about killing themselves, and for that I am grateful. They left videotapes containing their goodbyes to family and friends. They left a website full of information about what they were doing and why. Even the act of suicide was well-planned and tidy.
They killed themselves in groups, the second group cleaning up after the first group, and so on. Their bodies were not maimed or disfigured. There was no gore. They were laid out on their bunks, as if asleep. A shroud covered each so that the discoverer(s), as well as the police and investigators, would not have to look upon the mask of death their faces wore. Each person placed their driver license or other identification in the pocket of their shirt. They even left the suicide formula and method of ingestion so there would be no need for speculation about how death was accomplished. There were no children involved. All participants were over the age of majority.
The news media, of course, feel cheated by this. Even as late as this morning, the media are still feigning horror and disbelief. Calling for more details. The gore is missing and they must have the gore to be satisfied. So instead they prattle on about the WHY of it. They really don't know how to act now that their thunder has been stolen by the pragmatic approach to death employed by these departed souls. All questions have already been answered. The cult left us with plenty of information. All the information we need. There is no wild guessing, no embellishment, no added emphasis necessary on the part of the Six O'clock News, thank you very much.
Like I said, they feel cheated.
They also feel cheated because they do not understand. They do not relate to this decision to end life. That is why they are horrified. That is why they are shocked. Because they cannot conceive that anyone in their right minds would want to leave this blessed Earth. It is so easy to stand back and pronounce them crazy. It is not so easy to understand.
This is the one thing the cult could not leave us, you see. They could not leave us their understanding, their views and beliefs, or their motivation to do the same.
Peace be with you, San Diego. And thanks.
youngblood, Sun 7 deg Aries 97 / Moon in Scorpio